We had a great Grand Opening at Lincoln Park this past Sunday! About 60 people who were there for the first time and just under 200 people total in attendance. That represents a 10-fold increase in Sunday attendance since last Fall. That is a God-thing.
What was especially cool was that the visitors were people from the community, not so much "well wishers" from other New Life locations.
I'm really proud of our team--both volunteer and staff--for all the work they did in Jesus name to bring this Grand Opening together. Mike, EJ, Dave P., Kelli, Alyson, Eric, Nate, Brian, Erin, Gary & Anne, Confesor, Dave K., Mario, Oscar, Jose & Shanda, Leo & Nilsa, Jeff, Debbie, Mike & Leigh, Jose, Chris, Darren, Andy, Jordan, Olivia, Roger, Jeanne, Stephanie, Melissa, Brian P., Janet, Shayna, Mark & Heather, and a host of others who served, worked, prayed toiled and gave to make this happen.
And here's the reality--the real work is only just beginning. Its like having a baby. Pregnancy feels like work but once that baby is delivered, the work of raising kids is a whole other level of work. This Restart was a ton of work (fun work, for sure) but now comes the real work of raising up a real faith community in the midst of secular Chicago.
So here we go to put our passion to work in cooperating with God to see a life-giving church that blesses Lincoln Park by bringing Lincoln Park Jesus. Excited about that next step this Resurrection Sunday!
great job you guys! Way to go!
Posted by: Mike Ash | March 24, 2008 at 08:45 AM