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Anytime you want to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, feel free.

Nancy Holec

I don't stop by here a lot, but I believe it was really one of those moments where the Lord wanted to speak to me...I want to live in the "Power Spot". Thanks for sharing.


Mo, let's chat (I won't promise to tell you what to do with your life, but I will help you create some chaos;-).
Nancy, thanks for stopping by and glad God used it.

Jelani Greenidge

Kevin, I'm with you on the whole "power spot" thing. There are times when I feel like my particular combination of gifting, passion and opportunity feels like such a needlessly complicated waste. These are usually the times when I've gotten impatient because more things aren't happening according to the timetable by which I want them to occur.

But then there are times like last night, when I was exactly in the right place, at the right time, doing one of the things I love to do the most, one of the reasons why I was put on the earth:

rockin' crowds with thought-provoking rap songs. =)

I just had the chance to do a show at Seattle Pacific U, and me and my friend Jaamar, who was my partner in rhyme, were so buzzed afterward we talked all the way through the 3-hour drive back home to Portland, about many things but mostly just about music and art and rhyme and why it's so hard for some Christians to get what we do.

Performing as an artist, and then using my performances to stir up and continue healthy debate in the faith community... that's one of my power spots, and I am grateful that it exists.


Love to chat, but at this point I can't bear to get my hopes up. If I haven't figured things out by now, I doubt anyone else can figure it out for me.

Holly Greenidge

Just saw this post because you linked to it (I missed it the first time around).

I think my Power Spot is making "order" out of "laser beams"

hahaha :)


That's funny, Holly! You aim the lasers to protect the innocent. We miss you and Jelani. Hope you are well out on the coast.

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