I'm a big fan of Chip & Dan Heath--the brothers who wrote Made to Stick. They also write a column in Fast Company that read with interest every time my copy arrives in the mail. I love the originality, simplicity and groundedness of their concepts.
Their latest column is worth a read. The power of a nudge.
My wife calls me "the steamroller". (Steamrolling would be the anti-nudge.) But when I hear them talk about the power of nudging people in a direction, I realize it is true and even scriptural. I'm pretty convinced that most of the Spirit's guidance in daily life is in the form of a nudge. (Sometimes its also a nuggee, when necessary.)
The best preaching is a nudge when I think about it. I've rarely been changed by a message that solved everything. But I can think of many times when preaching has nudged me into change.
How have you seen the nudge in action? How have you been nudged and the result was a good change? How have you nudged others and the result was a good change?
you (He) nudge me every Sunday...all good of course (even if, at the time, I don't think so). To begin giving you specifics, would require more characters that this blog would allow.
Posted by: Steph | May 26, 2008 at 11:04 PM