Sunday I shared this before our teaching time. Feels like it would be worthwhile post in its entirety here.
This has been a historic week in our nation’s history. Truly historic.
Watching a man with brown skin walk onto a stage surrounded by throngs of people in the city of Chicago—a city where racial hatred has been an ugly stigma for many years, the city where MLK was bricked in the head and claimed that the South could come to Chicago to learn how to hate—to see this man and his family come out and accept his election to the Presidency of our nation, it was powerful. An unforgettable, indelible moment. I felt a deep smile in my soul seeing something so profound in my lifetime.
To watch Jesse Jackson in uncontrollable tears, to hear everyday people who were profoundly impacted, to see newscasters choked up and in tears as they tried to talk about what this moment meant. It was profound. A truly healing moment. As an observer to our national history and politics, I believe the moment of Barack Obama’s acceptance speech will live as a moment that 50 years from now, many of us will still be unable to forget.
Now I want to ask you, “are you a Christian?” If you are, I want to talk to you:
Did your guy win? Then as a Christian, you need to check your hope. Be happy for what God is already doing to bring release and healing in the area of race in our country. But be careful that you remember where your hope is and who is really in charge in every nation on earth. Measure your enthusiasm—Barack Obama is a man and he will disappoint. And he is not what ultimately represents hope for America. God’s people living for Him is what represents hope for every nation. Redouble your heart with trust in Jesus—purpose to walk humbly with God. Jesus said you are salt and light. That is every nation’s hope—people of the kingdom of Jesus living like people of Jesus’ kingdom. Pray for the king—pray for Barack Obama to seek the face of God daily to rule wisely.
Did your guy lose? Then as a Christian, you need to check your despair. Do you remember that God is in charge? That he raises up and he takes down rulers as He wishes? Christians never let governments dictate their peace. Their peace is determined and fixed by the Kingdom of Jesus—the unfailing, uncompromising, unchanging Kingship of Jesus. Remember that you have a key calling as a Christian—to honor and pray for the king. So do it joyfully. Get out of your bunker if you’re in one. You’re a Christian. You carry your armor with you wherever you go. You don’t need a bunker.