One of the many benefits of using Twitter is getting nuggets from my gospel heroes in a streaming format. One newer gospel hero of mine is Steve Timmis. I'm currently reading his book Total Church co-written with Tim Chester.
The last few days Steve has been tweeting axioms (proverbs) related to gospel-centered ministry. I want to collect them up and share them with you.
Living ordinary life with gospel intentionality means...
- opening your home to, and sharing your food with others
- doing ordinary things in community
- volunteering at a local charity shop along with a couple of others from church
- being the kind of neighbour everyone wants to have as a neighbour
- always tipping generously in local restaurants
- playing for a local sports team
- frequenting a local coffee shop or pub
- buying from local shops.
And here's a great quote that I've been repeating the last few days in conversation: "What are the key elements that should undergird all gospel ministry? Long-term, low-key and relational.