A few Sundays back our New Life locations were teaching from Mark 1:21-28 and we talked about demons. Incidentally, one reason I like teaching straight through sections of Scripture is that it forces me to teach on tough, easily neglected and important topics. Unpopular topics like demons and demonic possession.
I got some questions seeking clarity and I thought I'd share them here figuring that others were wondering about similar things. So verbatim from email response:
First, on the subject of "shame, blame, guilt, worries and fears" given to children... I believe that if these things are left in the realm of bitterness/unforgiveness/anger in the child, they can become a playground for the enemy. I suppose that depending on the severity, these things could become an open door for the enemy including demonic possession. I believe this is why Jesus pronounces such severe judgment on those who cause "little ones to stumble". One story that I think touches this issue is the story in Matthew 17:14ff of the demon-possessed boy who was brought to Jesus after His transfiguration.
Second, regarding the possibility of a Christian being possessed... That is a more complex question. Can a Christian who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit be under the internal, possessed lordship of a demonic spirit? No. But, can a Christian be so demonized that the difference between him and the demonically possessed non-Christian is difficult to distinguish? Yes. In other words, the sense of fear, helplessness and defeat from the believer who is pushed around by an evil spirit is not a small thing. Erwin Lutzer has a great section on this topic in his book Serpent of Paradise. I'd recommend it to you for further study.
Second, regarding the possibility of a Christian being possessed... That is a more complex question. Can a Christian who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit be under the internal, possessed lordship of a demonic spirit? No. But, can a Christian be so demonized that the difference between him and the demonically possessed non-Christian is difficult to distinguish? Yes. In other words, the sense of fear, helplessness and defeat from the believer who is pushed around by an evil spirit is not a small thing. Erwin Lutzer has a great section on this topic in his book Serpent of Paradise. I'd recommend it to you for further study.
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Posted by: RX-order | November 20, 2010 at 07:21 PM
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Posted by: school_dubl | December 30, 2010 at 08:31 AM
Happy New Year! Happiness and success in 2011.
Posted by: Realestate | January 11, 2011 at 12:12 PM