Last week Jaley was at camp and this week it's Tyce's turn. I love having my kids at camp for several reasons. While there,
- they are influenced by young counselors who love Jesus and can function as spiritual heroes to my kids
- they have indelibly fun experiences that create lifelong memories
- they have a level of heart openness to God that is special by having "holy" time away from the familiar.
While they are at camp, we also write letters to our children. Several. Each. And that has been my favorite part of camp this year.
Sitting down with paper and a pen (you can find both items at a local office supply store if this is unfamiliar to you, too) and writing heartfelt letters to my children allows me to say things to them that I may not think to say in everyday conversation. In letter writing I'm emotionally and mentally engaged while having time to process and put down thoughts--things harder to accomplish in the course of everyday conversation and life. And it gives them something to hold onto for the long haul--words that they can revisit and reread.
In other words, hand-written letters are a powerful tool for blessing your children.
I'm thinking that I will begin writing letters to them and mail them to our house when they are not at camp. (I know I won't be the first--many parents have engaged in this process over the course of human history.) I want my children to possess a tangible historical record of blessing and love that they carry into their future.